O site Syfyportal mencionou Supernatural num artigo sobre a nova grelha da CW, que podem ler aqui!
"Supernatural may be alive, but it looks like "Life Is Wild" will become the network's first casualty of the season, despite claims from network officials that the show has not been cancelled. The network also will move its comedy block to Sunday nights, a move that wasn't very successful last year, but may do better in a slightly different time block beginning at 8 p.m. ET instead of 7 p.m. ET last year."
Créditos: Winchester Bros
terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2008
Spernatural num artigo sobre a grelha da CW
Post by --->
Saraa* _Sweet Sammy ♥
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3 comentários:
Esperamos mesmo qe nao seja cancelado.. ;) *
concord com a nexa esper memo k ñ seja cancelado!!
adoro este blogue
venho cá tds os dias!!
Tambem concordo. So sabem cancelar merdas!
Eu adoro os globos de ouro
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