domingo, 14 de outubro de 2007

Entrevista a DeCandido

No site foi publicado uma entrevista com o autor do livro : NeverMore ( que irá lançar outro, pelo que parece ).. Na entrevista fala sobre livros e adaptações feitas em filmes por ele, como por exemplos nos filmes : Resident Evil (três) e Serenity ...

Para leres clica no link seguinte:

Aqui ficam as artes mais interessantes da entrevista.. ( claro que ha mais mas nas outras perguntas fala de outros filmes e séries como Buffy . )

Q: With NEVERMORE, you really captured the feel of the SUPERNATURAL show. I was looking at your web site and reading your background, especially your musical endeavors…and I'm wondering if you wrote yourself into that book as basis for the Manfred character?

God, no. Manfred and the rest of Scottso are, however, based on many musicians I have known throughout the years.

Q: Are you writing any more SUPERNATURAL novels?

I'm hoping to. If the license continues beyond the first two books, then the editor has said he'd like me to do more.

Q: What of your work can we look forward to in the near future?

I've contributed three tales to the 20th anniversary of TNG: the novel Q & A, the short story "Four Lights" in The Sky's the Limit, and the eBook Enterprises of Great Pitch and Moment, the final installment of the six-part miniseries Slings and Arrows. Coming in 2008 are Star Trek: Klingon Empire: A Burning House and CSI: NY: Four Walls. The former will pick up the adventures of the Gorkon crew, the latter is my first foray into the CSI world, with two murders, one in a prison on Staten Island, one in an Italian bakery in the Bronx. I'm also doing one of the "what if" alternate timeline short novels in one of the Star Trek: Myriad Universes trade paperbacks, and a short story for Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows anthology. I've also got some comic book work coming out at the end of 2008 that I can't talk about yet.

Q: How can readers contact you?

Through my web site at or through my blog at

P.s: Aqui ficam uns icons que se encontravam no Sn Fans PT.. Espero que gostem
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Créditos Noticia: Sobrenatural Online

Créditos icons: SN Fans PT

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